All GP surgeries are run on an appointments system and appointments can be made by using our NON URGENT – Get help for any health problem form or by phoning or visiting the practice where a form can be completed on your behalf by a member of our Care Navigation Team.
For appointments with the nursing team you can phone, visit the practice or use our Request an appointment with a nurse or healthcare assistant form.
Urgent GP appointments
To request an urgent GP appointment for today (Monday to Friday) during opening times:
- We do not process urgent request forms submitted after 11:00 AM. If you need urgent medical assistance after this time, please contact the practice on 0161 776 0737 or NHS 111. This ensures all urgent cases receive timely and appropriate care.
- Complete the online form URGENT – Get help for any health problem
- Your request will be triaged by a GP based on your answers to all the questions. Once triaged, it may be that a member of our care navigation team will call you with an appointment on the day if deemed appropriate (please make sure you are available to take a call). The doctor may however respond, via email to your query so please check your emails (including your junk email box) for a response if you have not heard back from us.
- If this is an urgent appointment, we aim to respond by 12 noon.
Routine appointments
You can request a routine appointment in advance during opening hours.
- Either by completing this online form Get help for any health problem
- Or calling us on 0161 776 0737 and we will complete a form on your behalf
We will aim to respond to routine appointment requests within 72 hours of receipt.
We will use your answers to direct you to the most suitable doctor, nurse or healthcare professional to help you.
Enhanced access
Patients registered at this practice will be able to have evening and weekend appointments following the launch of the Salford Wide Extended Access Pilot in Eccles and Irlam.
The pilot, run by Salford Primary Care Together, means patients will be able to book appointments later in the evening (6:30pm to 8pm) Monday to Friday and on a Saturday and Sunday morning (9:30am to 12:30pm).
These appointments will take place at Eccles Gateway or at Mosslands Medical Practice (this varies of each day of the week).
Salford Primary Care Together is a Community Interest Company created by Salford’s GPs to help local people live healthier, happier and fulfilling lives.
Home Visits
We ask all patients to come to the surgery wherever possible, mainly because we are better equipped to investigate and treat your condition at the surgery. Additionally, we can see three patients in the surgery in the time it takes to see one patient at home.
If you are housebound ie cannot leave the house and feel you need to be visited at home please telephone the surgery before 11am. The receptionist will ask you for details about the nature of the situation so the doctor can assess priorities. The doctor may telephone you prior to visiting, and may decide a visit is not needed.
Pharmacy First
Pharmacy First enables community pharmacists to supply prescription-only medicines, including antibiotics and antivirals where clinically appropriate, to treat seven common health conditions without the need to visit a GP.
You can get treatment for these conditions by walking into the pharmacy or contacting them virtually. GP receptionists, NHS 111 and providers of emergency care will also be able to direct patients to pharmacies, that offer the service, if contacted.
What are the seven common conditions?
- Sinusitis
- Sore throat
- Earache
- Infected insect bite
- Impetigo (a bacterial skin infection)
- Shingles
- Uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women.
Your appointment
However you choose to contact us, we may offer you a consultation:
- by phone
- by email
- face to face at the surgery
- on a video call
Cancelling or changing an appointment
To cancel your appointment:
- use your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App)
- using the GP online system: Patient Access
- phone us on Irlam Medical Centre 0161 776 0737 or Longfield Lodge Surgery 0161 776 0737 during opening times